Worldwide Enterprise

Yangji pocket & diary from 30 years experience and know-how
We, Yangjisa, always do our best to offer customized products to create customers’ value with our honesty and expertise. One of our major divisions, Corporate Sales team professionally promotes premium OEM products and operates customer & order management system, targeting at more than 1,000 companies and public institutions. Yangjisa equips the best production facilities, its capacity reaches 200,000pcs a day. Based on ERP system support and new product development capability with global senses, Yangjisa has become the best pocket, diary manufacturer all over the world. From order to ex-work, our ERP system supports to check order status, minimize delivery time, but maximize production efficiency simultaneously, which results in better service and precise delivery for our customers. We will do our best to provide the best products through high quality materials and strict quality control and to listen the voice of our customers.